Essarjee Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

About Us

Essarjee Constructions Private Limited

Essarjee Constructions Private Limited (ECPL) is one of the leading construction company established in the city of Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), having been in the field for over 2 decades, we have established our own identity in this fast growing real estate industry and infrastructure housing.

The board of the company consists of a seasoned team of professionals with expertise in real estate, infrastructure, finance and marketing. During its course of existence, the company has successfully completed 26 projects which were conceived, constructed and sold within a very short span of time. As of now there are a total of 3 ongoing projects in various stretches of the city.

The company has audacious future plans for the next 5 year period with a cumulative construction plan and sale of more than 7.50 lakh sqft saleable area.

Other avocations of the company include contributing in the field of education by establishing Essarjee Education Society in 2001. After successfully running primary school, company planned to contribute in higher education as well by starting “Corporate Institute of Science & Technology in 2008 followed by “Corporate Institute of Research & Technology” in 2011, “Corporate Institute of Management” in 2016 and “Corporate Institute of Pharmacy in 2018.

In order to provide homely atmosphere to the students of various colleges, company also runs a chain of “Sankalp Hostel for Boys and Girls.  

Company also invested in starting a software firm “Oga Technologies Private Limited which deals with development of softwares for construction firms, document digitization, BMS and DBMS.


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